Why Hire a Wellness Coach

Why Hire a Wellness Coach
Why Hire a Wellness Coach

You may have heard about wellness training: it is a health and wellness area that is new, exciting and evolving quickly.

 Although not everyone knows what a wellness coach is a today (similar to what I assume people knew about personal trainers 30 years ago), I imagine that in 10 years term and understanding of the profession will become widespread.

Although the term itself may be common in a decade, I guess the background and knowledge of wellness coaches will be as varied as the ones we currently see in all areas requiring certification instead of diploma four years.

I say that in order not to hit the records and scores of most wellness coaches (many are registered nurses, personal trainers, dietitians, competitive athletes or other health professionals), it is fair to say that your coach can have a unique background. and particular. which can make it adapt or not work with you.

Why hire a coach and not another industry professional?

I present this article deliberately, giving you an idea of the variety of coaching backgrounds. I have a background in athletics, nutrition certifications, and personal cancer experience.

 When you hire an industry professional instead of a wellness coach, such as a registered dietitian, you hire someone to basically tell you what to do.

You may want to know exactly which meal plan is best for your body chemistry. You hire a consultant to tell you how to live your life.

Similarly, if you go to a personal trainer, ask what exercises you should do to get in shape, build strength, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and so on. Doctors are hired to prescribe medications and suggest lifestyle changes. Get the picture?

Now think about the coach you may have had in elementary school, high school or beyond. Some coaches may have told you what to do, but the good coaches knew you. They learned who you were and explored your strengths and weaknesses.

They have been able to work with you and develop your skills so that you can excel in the sport you practice. They understood the psychology of sport, that there would be triumphs and defeats and they kept the big picture when we could lose sight of the vision.

A wellness coach is not a consultant. Normally, the coach has experience in which he could be a consultant, but he chose what he considers to be a more challenging career.

A career that embraces the concept that people can change their lifestyle in the long term of their own free will. If you look at problems such as weight loss, about 5% of people who lose 10 pounds or more maintain it for 5 years. It's incredible.

It's easy to tell people what to do and can promote success in the short term, but a long-term lifestyle change is more rooted than short-term success. Even medical fears as severe as heart attacks usually cause lifestyle changes for less than a year (surprisingly, many people stop taking life-saving drugs in the year following a heart attack and how easy it is to remember to take a pill). !)

So, to answer the question, why hire a wellness coach rather than another industry professional? The answer is simply the choice.

What do you think is the approach that will work best for you: information or association? If you are motivated by yourself, if the change is natural to you, and if you have a compelling reason to make lasting changes in the long run, perhaps expert advice will suit you perfectly. However, if you think that information is the easy part and that changing your life is the hardest part (as studies show is the norm), maybe a coach will teach you, inspire you and will work with you to excel in this area. seeks to dominate

What can I expect from my work with a coach?

You might be surprised at the discussions you would have with a wellness coach. He is more likely to talk about what inspires him, his vision of well-being, his personal goals, his dreams, and his aspirations than the breakfast he took last week. Now, be clear that this is not psychoanalysis. A coach recognizes the varied backgrounds, successes, failures, and triumphs that