Why Aerobics Are So Important For You

Why Aerobics Are So Important For You

Why Aerobics Are So Important For You

Aerobic exercises have been around since the 1980s and have benefited the exercise community by strengthening the body, improving circulation and improving performance.

Aerobic exercise was obsolete before 1978 when exercise was referring to strength and endurance training through muscle building. However, people have realized that strong muscles are not equal to the best athlete. The performance was due to lack of oxygen and increased muscle mass. Aerobic exercise requires the use of oxygen for the body to generate energy.

 Due to the longer exercise period, the body increases the circulation and transport of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. This allows for greater resistance during the competition. Although aerobics is not only beneficial for performance, it is also good for the body.

The health and performance benefits of aerobic exercise are based on the duration and frequency of exercises. It is recommended to perform at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day. 

Cardiovascular exercise is an exercise that increases heart rate while increasing circulation throughout the body. Aerobics is the most common cardiovascular exercise. This not only improves circulation throughout the body but also strengthens the heart and respiratory muscles. The heart and lungs pump blood and oxygen more efficiently throughout the body as aerobic exercise becomes longer and more vigorous. The number of red blood cells increases in the body to carry more oxygen for exercise. 

Aerobic exercises use large muscle groups throughout the body, so they are reinforced during use. It also reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease. Resting heart rate and blood pressure decrease with aerobic exercise. Improves mental health by reducing stress and depression.

Aerobic exercise is useful for losing weight because it burns more calories faster. It increases the metabolic rate (the number of calories needed for the body to rest) and burns fat when it is done constantly. During the early stages of aerobic exercise, glycogen is broken down to produce energy. As glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates, is consumed, the body moves to fats to produce energy. 

This process is long and may result in decreased performance. However, over time, as you continue to do aerobic exercises, the body becomes more efficient at storing glycogen in the muscles used for energy. And because of the greater energy resistance is improved. The body also increases the vascularity of the muscles to improve blood flow. The body becomes more able to break down fat into energy. Aerobic exercises also speed up the muscles' ability to recover from exercise.

Aerobic exercises are generally classified into two areas: low impact and high impact. Low impact aerobic exercises include stairs, walking, swimming, housework, etc. During low-impact aerobic exercise, one foot stays on the ground to support the weight of the body. As a general rule, anyone in good health can practice low impact aerobic activities. 

Walking is the most common low-impact aerobic exercise because it can be done anywhere, without the use of equipment, and requires no skill. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that causes fewer injuries to the knees and joints. If you want to include aerobic activity in your exercise program, start with a low impact and work until you get a high impact.

High impact aerobic exercises include running, sports such as football, tennis, rugby, dancing, etc. In intensive aerobic workouts, both feet rise simultaneously from the ground, even for a moment, which can cause jerking in the joints when the weight of the body strikes the ground again... When you include aerobics exercises in your exercise routine, start with a low impact and work until you achieve a high impact. 

Overweight people, the elderly, the injured and in poor physical condition must get their doctor's approval before embarking on high-impact aerobics. High impact aerobic exercise should be performed on opposite days such as low impact aerobic exercise. Remember that aerobic activity